Kopec Explains Software
Computing Concepts Simplified

#133 Ad Blockers

Do they actually hurt consumers?

Approximately one in four consumers uses an ad blocker. But do they stop to consider whether that is actually a good thing for them? In this episode, we briefly touch on the technical aspects of ad blockers before having a larger discussion around the ethical and economic considerations of ad blocking technology.

Show Notes

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Theme “Place on Fire” Copyright 2019 Creo, CC BY 4.0

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#132 What is Machine Learning?

The Field Within Artificial Intelligence Pushing Computing Forward

#131 Abandonware

If it's not for sale, can you download it?

#130 Grace Hopper

A pioneer in programming languages.

#129 BASIC

The Democratization of Computing

#128 Copyright & Machine Learning Models

Does training AI violate copyright laws?

#127 The Google Search Antitrust Lawsuit

Did Google abuse its monopoly in search?

#126 How Does Google Make Money?

Alphabet is driven by another A word...

Classic Episode: iOS vs. Android (2020)

The duopoly that dominates mobile.